Sunday, 2 October 2016

Discipline Brings Success

If you're like me, the word discipline conjures up some feelings of anxiety. I think of something very controlled and regimented when I hear that word but it really means so much more than that. And quite honestly, it is the one word that can define your path to success in your business. Discipline is truly something I struggle with on a daily basis. I am much more a free spirit wanting to go where my thoughts for the moment take me, perhaps that's the creative spirit in me, but I've learned in running my own business this past year, that way of thinking or being is a recipe for disaster when it is your standard mode of operation.
Let's examine what discipline really means. That word actually has two definitions, one meaning to punish or correct an action and the other meaning to establish rules of order or a regimen that allows you to improve a skill. I think my negative reaction stems from the first interpretation of this word. Nobody likes to be punished and by no means are we talking about punishing ourselves in our businesses for action we failed to take or took with a negative outcome. This is just part of the process of owning a business and provides opportunities to learn, grow and discover who you really are and what you truly want in your business.
What we are talking about here is the second meaning, establishing a set of principles or rules of order for how you approach your business on a daily basis. What actions are you taking on a daily basis to move your closer each day to reaching your goals, your deepest desires and passion for where you want to be in your business? You ask any Olympic athlete what they are doing to reach their goal of attaining that gold medal and they will quickly respond with their daily regimen of activities that are moving them closer to that gold medal. For them, discipline is clearly a lifestyle. It's not something they choose to do each day, they understand it's what they need to do each day to reach their goal. You can hear that intensity of commitment and dedication in their voice, see it in their body language and experience it in their actions. They are very clearly focused on their goal and understand it means going beyond their comfort zone daily to get there.
So how does this relate to us in our design businesses? We are no different from that Olympic athlete. We sense a strong sense of purpose in what we are doing and have very specific goals we want to attain. But, if we are not approaching our business in a disciplined manner, we will experience the conflict and frustration of wanting something but feeling like it's just beyond our reach. With discipline comes focus and with focus comes results. You cannot be disciplined without connecting to the purpose for your actions. That deeper sense of purpose drives you beyond your comfort zone and allows you to take the actions necessary to move towards attaining your goals. You find yourself living more in courage than fear and discipline gives us the foundation to build on our courage and move through our fears.
The success and "big wins" we all so deeply want to experience in our business comes with discipline. It's clearly knowing what you want and then taking consistent action each and every day to make that happen. With discipline comes order and with order comes success!
Where are you falling short in being disciplined in your business? Take a look are doing on a daily basis. Are your actions consistently moving you towards attaining your goals? Or, are you floundering with some days feeling like you're "on fire" while other days your just that ship bobbing on the sea waiting for that big wave to give you a push. Discipline is that big wave and you need to incorporate some structure and routine into your work day that consistently allows you to move closer to your goals. Without consistent action, you will not see consistent results. Examine your goals and connect with your purpose and allow them to guide you in setting up a daily regimen that supports you in moving closer to those goals. Ask yourself, "What do I need to do to reach this goal" and then break it down into baby steps that become your daily regimen. If you feel stressed and anxious each day, incorporate a daily workout into your regimen. If you feel like the interruptions are taking over your day, be disciplined about how you let those interruptions come into your day. Manage your day such that you only look at email and voicemail at specific times - this will help greatly in managing those unexpected diversions and interruptions. You truly are no different from that Olympic athlete so start treating yourself and your business as if you are training for that gold medal and nothing will stand in the way of reaching that goal. The success will truly be yours once you do!
Karen Dunlap is an interior designer, business owner and creator of the Design For Your Success NOW System™, a unique training and coaching program specifically created for design professionals. Using specific strategies and systems, Karen coaches design professionals on how to simplify their business, attract ideal clients and get back to their original passion, designing and decorating.

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