Sunday 2 October 2016

Depletion of Forest Resources

Echo systems around the world help sustain life for millions of species. Echo systems that are mainly forests provide a home for a large majority of the species alive. Therefore the trees in these forests are considered to be the most important species. Although it is true, that most species are not able to sustain without each other.
There are many benefits that we get from our forests. Some of these include cleaner drinking water, a home for plants and animals, economic growth, clean air, recreational opportunities, reassuring future. Another benefit we get from trees is called oxygen. If there were no trees to give us oxygen to breath, we would not be able to live. So if you need one good reason why a forest should exist, staying alive is a pretty good reason.
Forests have many resources that people can use to raise their living standards. One example is the wood for building houses. Certain wood materials last a long time, they keep the house warm and make it easy to manufacture homes. Unfortunately the world is overpopulating and the demand for a higher standard of living is constantly on the rise. Therefore the demand for more resources is growing to levels that cannot be sustained. Since forests provide a large portion of the world's resources, many forests are cut down or burned.
The cause for cutting down forests is directly associated with the high demand for wood to manufacture paper products and lumber for other manufacturing. We practically use wood for everything. It is used in home building, marine products, furniture and the list seems like it's endless. Just look around yourself right now and chances are you will find a product within your reach that is made of wood. Not only is wood a good building material, but it also has great aesthetic qualities. Most people appreciate a nice wooden dining table set or classic wooden rails on a staircase. Unfortunately we don't always take in to account how many trees need to be cut down so we can have these luxuries in our lives.
Another major direct cause for forest depletion is simply burning forests for farmland. This is more common with countries that are undeveloped and have tropical rainforests. Many poor farmers in these countries burn or cut small portions of tropical forests so they can have room for farming and cattle. But the big scale problem is created when huge corporate farms burn thousands of square acres a year. They need this much room so they can provide farming on a much larger scale to compete in the world market for food. The reason forests are burned for the farmland is due to the rich minerals fertility of the soil.
Unfortunately even the large scale farmers in undeveloped countries are not educated on how they can maximize their results when reusing the soil. Therefore the soil is used up and left as a desert while the farmers burn more forest to make another farm. The Amazon rainforest which is the largest in the world has fallen victim to such deforestations. This forest is located in South America where countries are having tough financial times. Brazil's market is a third of all the Latin countries included. Yet "Brazil's foreign debt, except in the most implausible of positive economic circumstances, is simply unsustainable in the years ahead" ( 2002). Economical pressure on a country is another big cause that will force a country to deforestation such as the case in Brazil. Basic Science and Remote Sensing Initiative (BSRSI) show data that between 1978 to 1988 230,000 square miles, nearly the size of Texas was affected by deforestation ( That is 16.5% of the whole rainforest in the Amazon.
The next example shows the cause of deforestation for farming. According to The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), "Between 1990 and 2001 the percentage of Europe's processed meat imports that came from Brazil rose from 40 to 74 percent" and by 2003 "For the first time ever, the growth in Brazilian cattle production-80 percent of which was in the Amazon-was largely export driven." As more roads are built to provide access to forests in undeveloped countries more deforestation is evident.
As mentioned earlier, we get a large portion of our oxygen from vegetation such as trees. Since most trees live in forests it is important to realize the negative impact deforestation may have on our air quality. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas that has an impact on the greenhouse effect. There is a cycle between CO2 producers such as cars and CO2 consumers such as plants. Together they create the "Global Carbon Cycle". The plants and soil of tropical forests hold 460-575 billion metric tons of carbon worldwide (McKane et al. 1995). From 1850 to 1990, deforestation worldwide released 122 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, with the current rate being between 1.6 billion metric tons per year (Skole et al. 1998). In comparison, all of the fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) burned during a year release about 6 billion tons per year. Therefore deforestation even when compared to all the other pollution plays a significant role in Global Warming and clean air.
Another extent of the problem with deforestation is a decrease in biodiversity. Biodiversity is important for Ecosystem sustainability, agriculture, medicine, recreation, aesthetic and commercial value. There are about 5 to 80 million species that live on this earth (Lawton and May 1995). Tropical rainforests cover about 7% of the world, but are home to more than half of the species living in the world. After a forest is cut down, many species cannot live without it and possibly go extinct. Since we depend on these species for many resources, their extension will rob us of their benefits. Perhaps we might destroy the next cure for AIDS by deforestation and not know it.
The negative impacts of deforestation are getting noticed internationally. Many countries are taking steps to reduce the problem for a more sustainable earth. Unfortunately financial gain and high competition still exists with deforestation, and for some it's the only way of survival. Many people are not educated about the long term results their actions may cause. Because of these reasons deforestation is still a reality around the world in many countries.
With more international involvement, countries will take effective steps to bring deforestation to sustainable levels. But there is still a great deal of work to be done. For some forests it is still not too late to bring them back quicker. Other forests that have been clear-cut might take centuries to grow to the original state. Areas where pesticides were used it is possible that the echo system was damaged and may take a long time to grow again. Many forests were replaced by large banana plantations. These plantations use pesticides that kill many species that are vital for an echo system to sustain. Erosion caused by deforestation may bring more water pollution in the future and may affect agriculture in the area. Other reasons for deforestation are simply to provide room for paved roads, residential and commercial development that are caused by urban sprawl. These types of developments permanently destroy forests. Deforestation is a serious threat to life's future on our planet. It has major effects on our global climate. It leads to the loss of millions of species that are important in sustaining a living earth.
As we discussed the causes for deforestation, we realize how these causes are very different. Because the causes are often controlled by a countries economy, overpopulation and many other social reasons, it is impossible to find one solution to deforestation. Although there are many solutions, it will take time and cooperation of many different groups of people and organizations to make the solutions work.
One popular solution that has been in effect for a few decades is forest conservation. We can work internationally, regionally, and locally with organizations to develop policy and influence industries to help ensure a sustainable future for forests. Conservation helps protect, manage, and restore the world's most important forests by identifying threats and developing solutions to them.
Decrease the amount of products that are made as a result of deforestation. For example, using materials other than wood to build homes, furniture and other common products made of wood. Encourage recyclable materials so people don't go back to wood again. Switching from wood to other materials will decrease the demand/supply for wood.
Implement more efficient farming methods to encourage the reuse of land.
Educate people around the world about the negative impacts of deforestation, and what can be done to prevent it. Help finance more educational programs. Help countries make the right economic decisions.
Sign international treaties and make laws/regulations to control annual deforestation.
Import meat and dairy products from markets that do not cause deforestation.
The solution that I believe will be very effective is the second one. As far as cutting down trees, this is a very workable solution. We have too many products that are made of wood today. As economies grow around the world, the middle class will also grow. This middle class will demand more and more products that are made of wood. The American middle class is obsessed with wood products and we don't even realize it. A large portion of our homes are built from wood, and so is our furniture. Most cabinets alone require so much wood. If we like wood products so will the rest of the world.
The solution is to take the majority of the wood products and find alternative materials to them. This of course is not as easy as it sounds, but it is very doable. Once it is done, it will extremely decrease the demand for wood, therefore reducing deforestation. With such high advances in technology we can travel in space and replace hearts. Therefore it is possible to make materials that are safe for the environment and replace wood. Maybe even make materials that share most of the properties that wood has. We can even invent materials that imitate wood like the "burled wood" in our cars today. This "burled wood" in most cars isn't even wood anymore, it is some kind of a plastic and a pattern to imitate the look of the wood. Speaking of the auto industry, I can't believe how advanced our cars have become. These are cars that we drive everyday. Yet we live in new houses that were built with an ancient method of wood and nails. I think that is ridiculous. Perhaps the solution to replace wood with alternative materials will also lead to more efficient assembly methods and a safer environment. And most importantly the first solution is changing our attitude to help prevent deforestation.

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Crystal Orgone Ond Generator How To Use It Combined With the Laws Of Quantum Physics Improve Life

Attract health/wealth and happiness using the combination of Quantum Physics and Orgone Technology.
Quantum Physics tells us we create our own reality by what we think. Our thoughts create our future. If we want health/wealth and happiness then we must think this way. Problem is we cannot keep these thoughts active in our minds for any length of time.
We can use the science of orgone generators to keep our thoughts constantly alive in the Quantum Ocean till they manifest in our lives.
Such a device is the Ond Orgone Generator. This powerful orgone generator has 5 DT crystals in its base.
Free your home from all negative vibrations. This will help you attract wealth. Clear your mind of interfering and disruptive vibrations from cell phones, ELF towers and TV and computer radiations. This will help you find peace of mind, and bring the emotional frequencies of your body in line with nature.
The Ond Orgone Device generates life force, it is a simple radionics device.
A radionics device causes a direct transfer of life force from the infinite universal storehouse, now known as the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God.) This life force is then modulated (shaped) through a treatment (symbol, radionics setting, photo,etc) to a target -- YOU.
Life force has many names Prana, Chi, Mana, Ond, Odic, Animal Magentism, etc.
The movement of two fields of life force relative to each other generates additional LIFE FORCE. This is very similar to moving two pieces of copper wire through a magnetic field --- electrcity is generated. The Ond Orgone Device uses proportional amounts of COPPER BB'S and NON-METALIC RESIN. One attracts Life Force. The other repels it.
This PUSH - PULL of life force fields generates additional life force. The embedded CRYSTAL wrapped in a COPPER COIL sets up a pulse generator which sets up a Harmonic Earth Resonant Frequency.
The CONIC PYRAMID, a sacred geometrical form, provides the space (matrix) for the intereaction of the life force fields. It also modulates the outgoing waves. A person standing close to the Ond Orgone Device will draw this life force into their aura. A STRUCTURAL LINK of a person (hair, blood or photo) will also draw this life force. All harmful EMF vibrations near the Ond Orgone Generator will transmuted into good life force.
Electricity, magnetism, gravitation, elf waves, cell phones, radioactivity, etc, are all invisible energies on the physical plane of existence. They all give off vibrations. Some of these man made vibrations are harmful to humans. Wilhelm Reich called them DOR (deadly orgone). The strength of these EMF forces diminishes with the square of the distance traveled. Life force is also invisible, but on a higher plane. It is not man made and can even be directed mentally. The great shamans, medicine men and healers of all times used their minds to send life force to heal and maim. Many sensitive people can feel this force.
This life force does not travel through 3-dimensional space as EMF waves do. It moves through hyper-space via STRUCTURAL LINKS. The more exact the link the stronger the flow of life force.
If life force is applied to a strand of your hand, via a Radionic device, the life force will enter you no matter what the distance. It is the simularity of structures that dictates the transfer of life force not physical distance. Since your hair (DNA) is a similar structure to your body (DNA) the life force transfers easily. HEALING begins, WEALTH starts moving to you, HAPPINESS starts from within.
MAGIC down through the ages is no more than the projection of life force focused by the human mind. Magicians, shamans, healers all had the will power of concentrated mental powers to sustain these magical processes. We today do not have that discipline, we need help.
The Ond Orgone Device is a simple radionics device and will allow us all to be modern day magicians. It will supply concentrated life force . We need only supply the healing symbols and the target.
Life force is generated when you interact two Life Force fields. The Ond Orgone Device will provide one force field, the DOR or the EMF waves of powerlines, cell phones, computers, TV sets. ELF towers, entering your home will act like the second field. The interaction of these two fields will generate additional good life force .
In addition the DOR field will be absorbed by the Orgone Device. The action will be very similar to how an air cleaner in your home works. It is also similar to the way a tree takes in bad air and gives off good air.
The Orgone Generator will function as a simple radionics device where you can attract to yourself health, wealth and happiness by using the correct symbols. I prefer to use the runes. And It will also help clear your home from harmful DOR waves.
Wilhelm Reich demonstrated that the combination of organic materials (plastic resin, soil, wood, cotton, etc) and a metallic material creates a matrix which attracts and captures Orgone energy. (LIFE-FORCE)
When you add a 'Crystal' to the combination, because of the inherent nature of the crystal, you can now program your Ond Orgone Device. You can mentally program the crystal to direct the orgone energy towards a certain task, goal or desire. The Ond Orgone Device is a simple radionics device. Radionic devices create orgone energy and send it to a target. The Conic Pyramid shape (sacred geometrical solid) provides a Woking Matrix (field) for the Ond Orgone Generator to suck into it 'DOR' (deadly orgone energy) and transmute it to positive orgone energy.
Since everything we see on the physical plane was first in the Quantum Ocean or Mind Of God (nature), or was created by Man's Mind, we can use the power of your mind, your mental powers to augment the operational process of our Ond Orgone Generator. (What one man can do another can do!)
Charging or programming your Orgone Generator with your mental powers, towards a specific goal:
Hold the Orgone Device in both hands in front of your Solar Plexus. You can be seated or standing. Take a deep breath and inhale through the top of your head (pituitary gland) Breathe in this Universal Healing Creative Energy.
Try it this way:
With the Orgone Generator in your hands, breathe in spirals of white sparkling creative healing light from the Sun. Remember even if it is night time where you are, the Sun is shining somewhere. And for our purposes the sun is the highest source of creative, healing energy we need to Co-Create our goals and influence our reality. Breathe in this shining, spiraling energy and say mentally to yourself:
With eyes closed, hold this powerful energy within you. Then very slowly, as you exhale, pour this energy out of you through your Third Eye (Pineal Gland in middle of your forehead). Mentally pour it into the crystal within the Ond Orgone Device that you are holding between your hands. You will now be programming your Orgone Generator with the power of your will and mental energies. You will start to Co-Create what you want and desire into your life.
OR :
Remember the whole universe vibrates and pulses with many rhythms. By breathing in healing, creative orgone in through the top of your head (pituitary gland) and out the front of your head (peneal gland) you are tuning into the creative enegies of the universe. In -out, In -out, In -out. Born -die, born - die, born die. You are bringing in unmanifested pure creative energy from its highest level and using it to create on the physical plane, the lowest level. Allergorically speaking you are bringing heaven down to Earth! Since the crystal is many-fawceted you can program many mental thoughts into it. You can use symbols (Runes, Astrological Signs, etc) treatments (homeopathic remedies, Bach flower remedies, colors etc) to help you define your goals more precisely.
Program your Orgone Device with the power of your Will and Mind. Man is much, much more than a physical body. He is an Immortal Soul that lives within the confines of a physical body to experience earthly life. He is not a physical body that has a soul. He is a soul that has built a physical body. He was given by the Creator (God, Grand Architecht of the Universe, the power to Co-Create his own reality and destiny to some degree.
Wake up your powers now! Too long the powers of your pituitary and pineal glands have been dormant. They are god given tools which will help you Co-Create. The function of the Pituitary Gland which sits on the top of your head is to bring into your personal reality, higher creative forces. To help you to commune with beings in higher levels of consciousness. To bring you wisdom, which is as far superior to knowledge as calculus is to arithmatic. The function of the Pineal Gland, which is located in the center of your forehead, is to help you direct these higher forces into your personal physical reality and allow you to Co-Create.
Once you awaken these dormant glands you will experience a synapse. This synapse is a spark that will connect your pituitary to your pineal glands. This will not be a physical connection but a higher dimensional connection.. This connection is known as Cosmic Consciousness. It is within you not without (the Kingdom of Heaven is within!). You will bring creative energy down and send it out.
How long does it take using the Orgone device and your Pineal-Pituitary Circuit to manifest into your life what you desire? How thick is the wall of negative programming within yourself? What programming have you allowed inside of you? Programming thatl stops riches, abundance, health and happiness from vibrating into your life?
No matter how thick this wall is, the power of your Ond-Orgone Generator and your Pineal-Pituitary circuit will slowly, surely and steadily bore a hole through it. Much like a miner deep in the earth bores a hole through the thick rock to get at the GOLD. The gold is there, it exists. Your health, wealth and abundance are there. They exists in the Divine Blueprint which is the plan for your life. Happiness, health and wealth are gifts from the Creator God. They are your legacy. The blueprint for a giant oak tree resides within the little acorn, and all it has to do is grow into it. You too have a divine blueprint and with the help of your Ond Orgone generator and these simple instructions you can grow into your happier future.
Again a Warning !!! As you use your new Co-Creating Powers remember: "There are a million things you can have and a million things that you cannot have"

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Crafting Well-Written Creative Nonfiction While Avoiding Its Pitfalls

Problems with writing creative nonfiction arise because quite often, essays and memoirs discuss real people who are still living and may not appreciate having their lives opened on the page. Another problem is that the authors deliver more fiction than nonfiction, after billing their work as creative nonfiction. James Fry of A Million Little Pieces (2003) and Anthony Godby Johnson of A Rock and A Hard Place (1994) come to mind. Both authors fictionalized their experiences so that they could sell more books. Mary Karr, The Liar's Club (1998), who wrote about her dysfunctional family says, "My experience is there's no way you can manufacture events and find the truth. Great memoirs don't take bizarre experiences and make them more bizarre and outrageous. They take bizarre experiences and make them familiar. That's the power."
Writers of creative nonfiction make a tacit pact with their readers that their story is a true one, and readers often feel lied to if they learn that the story they spent time reading is fiction. The author promises to tell his or her version of the truth using details, facts, and experiences. This truth is, of course, filtered through the author and is subject to the author's worldview. When the reader reads an essay, he or she assumes that the work is true, while allowing for time and character compression and name changes, which allow more creativity for the writer.
The following storytelling techniques are designed to help creative writers negotiate this creativity versus truth issue:
Compressing time
Sometimes compressing or collapsing time is necessary in order to keep the flow of the story and to ensure that the reader will not get lost in extra details. Changing the time of when events occurred is acceptable, as long as the truth of the story is not lost. For example, if a writer is describing her time in Seattle on a trip, she may want to combine details from her first and third day, for organizational purposes and to keep her reader involved in her story. However, if she made up what she did on her trip, then her essay would be fiction, not creative nonfiction.
Compressing characters and changing characters' names
Compressing and changing characters' names is on the verge of turning an essay into a fictionalized account, but many authors believe that changing a character's name or consolidating characters does not distract from the verisimilitude of their story. When some readers do find out that an author has changed a name or two to protect a family member or friend, they may feel that the author was justified for doing so, while others may feel that the author has changed the nature of the story. I feel that changing a character's name from Sally to Jennifer should not take away from the author's narrative intentions. Furthermore, many authors address the composite character issue up front by letting readers know either in the preface or in the acknowledgements that they have changed their characters' names. In memoirs, authors generally acknowledge when they have changed names either in the preface or in a footnote, so that their credibility with the reader is not shattered and that they look like they are not hiding anything from the reader.
Disclaimers Using disclaimers and markers also adds to an author's credibility because the author is stating that she is not really sure something took place. For example, the author can write, "I imagine that my mother first felt scared when she came to America," or "I can't remember everything about that day, but here's what I do remember." In this case, the author chooses to acknowledge doubt and continue with her story. However, writers need to be careful to not show too much doubt before their reader, because the reader will not believe the writer as much. For example, if the student cannot remember if her family's car was a Mustang or a Charger, she should pick one of these models and keep this car's name consistent throughout the piece.
Creative nonfiction is not fiction and for this reason I believe it is unethical to construe a story to make your life more interesting so you can get published. The bottom line is that if you want to fictionalize your life, so be it, but please call your work fiction, not a memoir. As writers of creative nonfiction, we need to set the creative stage without making everything up, and it may take a few rehearsals for writers to achieve this balance.
AV Osborn is a poet, writing instructor, award-winning essayist, published web writer, and creative nonfiction workshop leader. She serves on the board of Carolina Wren Press in Durham, NC and a freelance PR/editor. In North Carolina State's MA English program, Alice is currently working on her master's thesis -- a hybrid first-year creative nonfiction curriculum combining rhetoric and cultural studies. AV not only writes poetry, but offers writing workshops in the community. In her free time she volunteers with the Raleigh Jaycees (she wrote the script for their annual Haunted House), Literacy Council of Wake Country, enjoys watching Carolina Hockey, screening good films, and hiking and traveling with her husband. She grew up in the Washington, DC area, lived several years in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, and now lives in Raleigh, NC with her husband and son.

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Writing Effective (and Requisite) Essay Openers

When we write for college courses, we write for an audience other than ourselves. And it's an audience of more than one--the professor who assigned the piece. A good way to think of (and never forget) audience is to imagine we are writing the assignment for a popular magazine that sits in multiple copies on the shelves of an equally popular bookstore. For each magazine sold, pretend, we get a percentage.
Our goal, then, is to have as large and widespread a readership as possible--to hook as many browsers as we can--with an effective opener (also known as an introduction). We therefore must engage, first, before we entertain, educate, or inform.
First the Caveats and Comments on Ineffective (Bad) Openers
NO to SNORE openers - Forget burdening or alienating your readers with comments of how many people in many countries have many different ideas about life and society and all those other blah, blah, blah hard-to-wrap-the-brain-around opening commentaries...which really just send the reader off to find a more intriguing read.
NO to OBVIOUS - Similar to the snore generalizations, the obvious comments in an opener will have eyes (if not heads) rolling as readers take in the TV is mental masturbation or ads are used to manipulate us statements you can avoid--by using an old Marshall McCluhan quote or Cleo awards description, for example, instead.
NO to HYPERBOLE - Putting myself through school as a waitress, I had a number of regular customers who were writers, too, they said. They would talk at me all through my shift, reciting their best work. One insisted on reiterating his description of the verdant rolling hills that kissed the edges of the glistening waters at the feet of the majestic span of the Golden Gate Bridge...until I would get so mental I would fantasize about bringing the heft of the glistening glass coffee pot screaming down onto his head. In other words, do not exaggerate. Do not bring in heavy drama and description that will overwhelm and, again, alienate your readers. Stick with the truth. Stick with the openers that work.
We Use Modes for Engaging Openers...and I'm going to Use One Here, Out of Necessity...and Spite
I once read a how-to article on web content writing, on making a site that brings traffic (the attention of many). I had already begrudgingly given in to the understanding that web content writing is very different than academic writing--it has different goals, different audiences, and different elements that lend themselves to an 'A' piece of writing. In fact, it is so different that to write for the web we have to unravel all we have worked to weave, have to unlearn all we have learned as college English writers.
Don't Confuse Web Content/Writing and Academic Writing
So the writer of this article says to start web copy you skip the opener and go directly to the main point (what we in academia know as the thesis). Okay. This made sense, I thought, as web readers read differently: they read fast, they skim, they scan, they draw the most usable info in the shortest amount of time. (Probably the way you are reading now, hoping I get on with the point).
-I was with Mr. Web when he explained these facts.
-I was with him as he noted the research findings that back up the rationale for sacrificing good academic exposition for web text.
-And I was there with his tips and tricks, which were great...until he went too far, editorializing about writers who actually use openers:
He claimed that writers who rely on openers don't have "the courage" to just get to the point. So he lost me.
Don't Let Anyone Shame Your Learning Writing Tricks
We can adapt to just about any rhetorical style. We can adjust our notions of what makes for good writing. But we should balk when a how-to writer insults other methods of writing. We should even disregard implications of cowardice as unnecessary ad hominem attacks. False attacks. Fallacious and floppy and frivolous teaching. Screw that.
Readers of Academic Essay Writing Appreciate (even Prefer) a Good Opener
Openers in academic writing, whether in a creatively developed literary response or a historical survey, are imperative. They are a gentler way of drawing in, luring our readers. They are at first quite challenging to get right, but our mastering them--which is possible--has nothing to do with courage, which comes from the French word, "coeur," heart. We have plenty of heart. We're studying English, for hell sake.
Against my wishes, then, this page opens with a declaration and gets right to the point. At first. But it also has a "grabber" slipped in--because we're looking at grabbers and because, well, I can't help it. I want to model decent prose for you.
Samples of Effective Essay Openers by Mode/Type
Even better, I'll share with you some samples, written by my former students (who have granted permission for the use of their work as models):
****People Love Stories. We Love to Tell Stories. The Narrative Opener:
Once upon a time, during the era of slavery, whites were afraid of blacks, and the "word" was born. That's why someone came up with the "word." Two hundred years later around my sister's house, the children still use this "word". Sometimes I even hear myself say this "word." But guess what? I check myself and correct myself, because when you use the "word" to address someone, no matter who you are or what color you are, it is totally disrespectful.
The word: "nigger". (1)
****To Establish Credibility, Try a Sober, Scholarly Introduction. The Statistics/Facts Opener:
By the age of forty-four, 47 percent of American women will have had an abortion. (Day 6) To describe this statistic as anything other than a tragedy is to deny the sanctity of human life. The Christian abortion debate rests upon the moral and theological dimension[s] of this issue. To examine the moral dimensions of abortion without examining the social realm is to ignore the mutually dependent relationship that surrounds this debate. (2)
****Appealing to the Senses Lures and Keeps Readers Interested. The Descriptive Opener:
Rain is pelting my car relentlessly as I drive home from [XXX] College. Cars rushing on the freeway cause the water on the pavement to burst into a fine mist, surrounding each and every vehicle with a billowing sheet of opaqueness. Finally, I arrive in front of my little two-bedroom home. With a sigh of relief, I enter my living room.
Lately, this house has turned into a haven of safety, sheltering me as much from nature's elements as from the unpredictable and unprovoked malevolence I experience from one of my instructors. My dread is heightened by the fact that I appear to be the primary recipient of this teacher's outbursts of viciousness. Slowly, my gaze shifts across the room and comes to rest on the play I have to read for my English class. It is Mamet's Oleanna. I pick up the book and soon find myself drawn into the story. Quickly, it becomes clear to me that this play [deals with] the relationship between a teacher (John) and his student (Carol). While both characters show evidence of an interesting variety of behaviors, John mesmerizes me to a greater degree. I begin to wonder whether John displays symptoms of an underlying psychological disorder. (3)
Put the Readers in the Frame, Inside the Paper. The Direct Address Opener:
You are in the midst of a blazing inferno. Your mind is moving at the speed of light. Yet you are paralyzed by fear. The silence is deafening between the confinement of the four walls. You are no longer in control. You wonder how the communication between the members of the family has ceased, specifically between Mother and Father. Each passing day, only silence can be heard. The usual chatter at the dinner table is considerably lessened. It comes down to, "Pass the corn, please." Or one excusing oneself from the table. (4)
Advance Trust, Establish Authority from the Start. The Authoritative Quote Opener:
"Generations of students have studied calculus without ever seeing its power." This statement is found in an article by K.C. Cole titled, "Bringing Calculus Down to Earth," from The Los Angeles Times. I most certainly agree with Cole. At one point earlier in the course of the class (calculus), I was not sure about the use of calculus and the importance of it. Others like me, such as friends, felt the same way. For this reason, I would assume, I am doing this research. This research is for students like myself to realize that "there is something about calculus," as Cole states in the article.... (5)
Keep with the Traditional "Show, Don't Tell" Lesson. The Example Opener:
Sex is great. To me, it is all about feelings and experiences--the feeling of flesh against flesh, the experience of orgasm after orgasm. Sometimes, even, there is that feeling of being special, wanted, and loved. I suppose my parents had sex. It is not really an image I like to bring to mind. But when my father has sex with someone other than my mom, how am I supposed to feel then? (6)
Engage by Asking for the Readers' Opinion and Thoughtful Participation. The Profound Rhetorical Question Opener:
Is the play, True West, written by actor/writer Sam Shepard, a sublimation of his own sibling rivalry or a rationalization of one? He writes of two brothers who are equal in intelligence but opposite in character. The older brother lives by his wit and the younger by his pen. In his unique style, Shepard uses many symbols describing the keen emotions that make up these two brothers. He also uses metaphors that reel you, the audience, into the depths of anger, pain, and the reality of life.... (7)
Finally, the Encouragement of Effective (Good) Openers
YES to APPROPRIATE introductory material. That is, use an opener that is relevant to your essay topic. Use an opener that fits the material. For example, a definition of alcoholism (which might work if you were writing a book) might be too clumsy for a cause and effect paper studying the influences of alcoholism on the family.
YES to APT openers. Do the modes that you are best at writing. And do what you best like doing. Write what works for you, your audience, and your assignment.
YES, modes overlap. A narrative opener will have descriptive details. A quote may be combined with statistics and facts. But instead of tripping on what the exact boundaries are between modes or types of writing passages, focus on the specifics of one type of opener as you understand it. The rest will be bonus material that merely enhances your style.

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Two campuses, multiple degree options and a diverse and international class set INSEAD apart. When you approach this set of essays, make sure you are ready to explain your career plans in detail, and highlight any International experiences in your background.
INSEAD focuses separately on the job and personal portion of your MBA application essays, seeking to understand candidate's current career position in detail before delving into the personal aspect. Though career is covered in several essays rather than one, you should make sure that all of the essays work coherently together. As INSEAD states on the website: "We evaluate each applicant against four central criteria: leadership potential and work experience; academic capacity; international motivation; and ability to contribute to the INSEAD experience."
Job Description Essays
Essay 1. Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and, where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/products and results achieved.
This question should focus entirely on your current (or most recent) work situation. Though you will want to provide relevant context for your current role, make sure you are devoting most of the essay to describing the details of your day-to-day responsibilities and oversight. If you are lighter on supervising others or managing a budget, you have the opportunity to highlight some key responsibilities and results.
When you are composing this essay make sure you focus on what you uniquely have contributed to the role, rather than reciting the job description. What have you done that is above and beyond?
Essay 2. Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. If you were to remain with your present employer, what would be your next step in terms of position?
This is essentially a walk-through of your resume using the essay format to allow you to provide a unifying thread through the narrative. INSEAD is seeking to understand your career trajectory and how you have grown and progressed through your career. Think about the choices you have made in your career, and how your past experiences have combined to provide you with your current skill set. If you have a fairly straightforward career path you can take the opportunity to comment on some of the learnings from each position. The second part of the question also needs to be answered. Think about the next step at your job, and where you might land if you did not leave to pursue an MBA. While this is a straightforward question, you may need to demonstrate that you can't get where you want to go from here "" and that you will need an MBA to achieve your goals.
Essay 3. If you are currently not working, what are you doing and what do you plan to do until you start the MBA programme if applicable? (250 words maximum)
If you are not employed at the moment, you will want to answer this question to show how you are utilizing your time without full time employment. Ideally you are currently involved in an activity that is going to further your career or personal goals at this time. The best answer is one that shows you are self-motivated and do not need paid work to continue developing yourself.
Perhaps you are volunteering in a non-profit that is related to your career goals. Maybe you are working with a friend on a start-up. Or you are consulting and building contacts in your industry. If you are out of work only briefly, it's also perfectly reasonable to be pursuing travel or other activities that develop your international awareness and perspective. However, make sure that your activities can tie back to your long-term goals or other key aspects of your application strategy.
Essay 1. Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary. (600 words max.)
Strengths and weaknesses are a common topic for MBA applications. This is a great opportunity to highlight some of your skills and attributes that demonstrate leadership, teamwork or other qualities that will drive your future career success.
Demonstrating self-awareness and the ability to assess your own performance will be impressive. While examples aren't required, consider that adcomm is reading a vast number of essays and that concrete examples are both easy to understand, and may help you stand out from the crowd.
When describing weaknesses you will want to focus on those weaknesses that you have taken concrete steps to address, or that have been a route to learning more about yourself. Often strengths and weaknesses are two sides of the same coin, in which case you can even tie your key weaknesses to your key strengths. Because it is often difficult to write about one's weaknesses this is an especially important essay to share with others to seek feedback on tone and impact.
Essay 2. Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why. In addition, describe a situation where you failed. How did these experiences impact your relationships with others? Comment on what you learned. (400 words max.)
This essay is an opportunity to showcase one of your most important achievements. Impressive achievements that stand on their own are great, but you will want to pay equal attention to explaining why these accomplishments are valuable to you.
If you concisely explain the accomplishment and how you were able to bring it to fruition, you will have room to provide the context for your personal pride in the accomplishment. If you don't have an achievement that you think is incredibly impressive on your own focus mainly on what is important to you and an example that shows the activities you value.
The flip side of achievement is failure, and INSEAD wants to understand how you view both. When approaching any failure essay it's important to use a real failure that has emotional resonance for you. An accomplishment framed as a failure will be easy to see through and will not demonstrate anything about your maturity or ability to grow.
Your failure should be real, and also something that led you to grow or learn. If you can describe how you have changed your approach as a result of the failure that is an excellent outcome.
The third part of the essay deals with how these experiences impacted the others around you and what you learned. Whether you were part of a team or the main impact was on a loved one, this part of the essay encourages you to step outside your own narrative of success and failure and think about how you have impacted other people through your actions.
Most obviously a success led to happiness from a team or a manager, while a failure was disappointing to those around you. However, your particular achievement or failure could have led to a learning experience for your team, an opportunity for someone else, or a chance for you to be closer to another person through a team challenge. Think creatively about this aspect.
Note that your application to INSEAD ideally covers both the personal and professional. This essay could be an opportunity in this essay set to bring in a new angle on your profile through describing one of your most substantial accomplishments outside of work.
Essay 3. Tell us about an experience where you were significantly impacted by cultural diversity, in a positive or negative way. (300 words max.)
This essay should demonstrate your awareness of the world outside your own ethnic or cultural identity. INSEAD is a highly international program and seeks candidates that both demonstrate and value diversity.
This could be an opportunity to highlight any international or cross culture exposure you have had such as traveling outside your home country, or when experiencing diversity within your home country.
When you describe the experience and judge it to be either positive or negative it will be important to provide some individual context. Every applicant from INSEAD is coming from a unique background and from many different countries. Your perception of positive or negative cultural diversity will be a view into how you interact with the world.
For example, you could view the lack of diversity in a workplace or school environment as a significant negative, or perhaps you had an experience of being the only "diverse" person in a work or personal situation.
On the positive side perhaps you learned more about others through a new cultural experience or through team building with a group of people different from yourself. Where you are coming from will be the deciding factor in terms of what experiences are ultimately positive or negative.
At all times consider the environment at INSEAD and what your essay is saying about your ability to fit in among a highly diverse group of people.
Essay 4. Describe all types of extra-professional activities in which you have been or are still involved for a significant amount of time (clubs, sports, music, arts, politics, etc). How are you enriched by these activities? (300 words max.)
Nothing is more personal than what you choose to do outside of school or work. What are the most meaningful pursuits you have spent your time on? You should both describe the main interests you have outside of your professional pursuits and explain why they are meaningful to you and why you spend time on them.
Ideally you can also explain how you will continue your involvement while at INSEAD and cite some specific clubs or groups where you see your interests contributing to the community.
Optional Essay: Is there anything else that was not covered in your application that you would like to share with the admissions committee? (300 words max.)
This essay is 350 words you can use for anything you would like to showcase and that you were unable to work into the rest of your application. Because INSEAD's questions are quite thorough you may have covered all aspects of your candidacy and personal qualities in the other five essay questions, in which case you can feel comfortable skipping this question (it IS optional).
If you did not have a place for an interesting hobby, new aspect of your background to describe, or key accomplishment, it may be appropriate to use this space to tell that story.
It is far better to fully explain any issues in your application than to leave the admissions committee to guess what happened. If you have any challenging aspects to your candidacy like a low GPA or a failing grade in college, this is the correct place to address those concerns. Explain your issue clearly and focus most of the essay on the correction for the issue.
For example, if you had a disciplinary issue in college, spend most of the essay demonstrating that you learned from the experience and have been an ideal citizen ever since rather than focusing on the negative. Avoid blaming anyone else for your issue, and relentlessly show why this one incident is in your past and will stay there.

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Discipline Brings Success

If you're like me, the word discipline conjures up some feelings of anxiety. I think of something very controlled and regimented when I hear that word but it really means so much more than that. And quite honestly, it is the one word that can define your path to success in your business. Discipline is truly something I struggle with on a daily basis. I am much more a free spirit wanting to go where my thoughts for the moment take me, perhaps that's the creative spirit in me, but I've learned in running my own business this past year, that way of thinking or being is a recipe for disaster when it is your standard mode of operation.
Let's examine what discipline really means. That word actually has two definitions, one meaning to punish or correct an action and the other meaning to establish rules of order or a regimen that allows you to improve a skill. I think my negative reaction stems from the first interpretation of this word. Nobody likes to be punished and by no means are we talking about punishing ourselves in our businesses for action we failed to take or took with a negative outcome. This is just part of the process of owning a business and provides opportunities to learn, grow and discover who you really are and what you truly want in your business.
What we are talking about here is the second meaning, establishing a set of principles or rules of order for how you approach your business on a daily basis. What actions are you taking on a daily basis to move your closer each day to reaching your goals, your deepest desires and passion for where you want to be in your business? You ask any Olympic athlete what they are doing to reach their goal of attaining that gold medal and they will quickly respond with their daily regimen of activities that are moving them closer to that gold medal. For them, discipline is clearly a lifestyle. It's not something they choose to do each day, they understand it's what they need to do each day to reach their goal. You can hear that intensity of commitment and dedication in their voice, see it in their body language and experience it in their actions. They are very clearly focused on their goal and understand it means going beyond their comfort zone daily to get there.
So how does this relate to us in our design businesses? We are no different from that Olympic athlete. We sense a strong sense of purpose in what we are doing and have very specific goals we want to attain. But, if we are not approaching our business in a disciplined manner, we will experience the conflict and frustration of wanting something but feeling like it's just beyond our reach. With discipline comes focus and with focus comes results. You cannot be disciplined without connecting to the purpose for your actions. That deeper sense of purpose drives you beyond your comfort zone and allows you to take the actions necessary to move towards attaining your goals. You find yourself living more in courage than fear and discipline gives us the foundation to build on our courage and move through our fears.
The success and "big wins" we all so deeply want to experience in our business comes with discipline. It's clearly knowing what you want and then taking consistent action each and every day to make that happen. With discipline comes order and with order comes success!
Where are you falling short in being disciplined in your business? Take a look are doing on a daily basis. Are your actions consistently moving you towards attaining your goals? Or, are you floundering with some days feeling like you're "on fire" while other days your just that ship bobbing on the sea waiting for that big wave to give you a push. Discipline is that big wave and you need to incorporate some structure and routine into your work day that consistently allows you to move closer to your goals. Without consistent action, you will not see consistent results. Examine your goals and connect with your purpose and allow them to guide you in setting up a daily regimen that supports you in moving closer to those goals. Ask yourself, "What do I need to do to reach this goal" and then break it down into baby steps that become your daily regimen. If you feel stressed and anxious each day, incorporate a daily workout into your regimen. If you feel like the interruptions are taking over your day, be disciplined about how you let those interruptions come into your day. Manage your day such that you only look at email and voicemail at specific times - this will help greatly in managing those unexpected diversions and interruptions. You truly are no different from that Olympic athlete so start treating yourself and your business as if you are training for that gold medal and nothing will stand in the way of reaching that goal. The success will truly be yours once you do!
Karen Dunlap is an interior designer, business owner and creator of the Design For Your Success NOW System™, a unique training and coaching program specifically created for design professionals. Using specific strategies and systems, Karen coaches design professionals on how to simplify their business, attract ideal clients and get back to their original passion, designing and decorating.

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Tips for a Press Release Writer

Today, thousands of business owners are trying to take advantage of the internet for sales purposes. As a result, many marketing and sales people are researching tips for a press release writer. Depending on your current job, or future employment plans, you may also be interested in using a press release writer to start your own business.
For the most part, it is possible to locate tips for a press release writer that focus on how to formulate the content. Because each media outlet has a slightly different format, it is a good idea to get a good idea of the main components, and then flesh out the research by looking more closely at each publication. Typically, general tips for a press release format will not give out everything that is needed in order to write for every single media resource.
In some cases, you may be able to locate tips for a press release writer that explain what the journalistic style is all about. Even though you may not be aware of it, writing about news events is very different from writing an essay, or even a sales pitch. Any journalist can tell you that the types of words used, as well as how they are used are very important. Without a question, if a journalist cannot reach his/her audience, they might as well not write at all.
One of the most important tips for a press release writer that I can personally recommend is to purchase press release distribution software. Even if you never use it so sell a product of your own, it can be very useful if you want to write and distribute press releases for others. As an example, if you take a look at PR Web, you will notice that they are charging upwards of $300.00 just to write one single press release.
Considering the way internet marketing is booming, it is possible to command a significant amount of money by writing press releases. As you earn a good reputation and pick up customers willing to give you testimonials, you can even decide to charge more for your services. If you have the necessary software, you may even find that you are able to retain loyal customers. While starting your own business is never easy, you may want to give this specific type a try. As you progress, you may even want to sell an ebook featuring your own set of tips for press a press release writer.
Almost every business can take advantage of press releases to increase revenue. Even though many business owners today are college educated, they do not always have a talent for writing. Even if these people read up on tips for a press release writer, they may feel uncomfortable with the format.
Unfortunately for these individuals, information on the internet is still largely based in text. Being able to write press releases is very important. If the decision is made to write tips for a press release writer, it is important to test them out with plenty of practice. There is also the possibility of offering tips for a press release writer in order to drive traffic to your own blog, or website. One thing is for certain, as more people learn about the power of these documents, many people will come to your site in order to find this information.
Unfortunately, writing the document is only part of the equation. You also need to distribute it to the various newswires around the internet, and this service is essential to providing the best value for your customers.

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